Every quarter we collate information about the numbers of venues and gaming machines licensed to each society, in each council area (or territorial authority). This is published along with the relative gaming machine profits, to facilitate the analysis of trends across the gambling sector in New Zealand.
The headline statistics for January to March 2021 show:
- GMP decreased by 8.7 percent ($22 million) between the December 2020 and March 2021 quarters. The decrease is consistent with trends over the past 5 years which have shown an average decrease of 9.2 percent between the December and March quarters.
- Nationally, the number of venues this quarter decreased by 5 and gaming machines decreased by 49 compared to the previous quarter. This is consistent with trends showing a gradual reduction of venues and gaming machines in New Zealand over time.
Detailed quarterly statistics are available on the Department of Internal Affairs website: www.dia.govt.nz/gambling-statistics-gmp-dashboard
The Department of Internal Affairs releases quarterly statistics in its role of regulator for gambling. The Department collects statistics including the numbers of gaming machines, venues, and profits to provide accurate information about gambling.