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Contact Us
Grant Funding & Accountability Enquiries
Please note that all fundng decisions are formally notified by way of an email. You are also welcome to click on this link to check your application status.
Tel: 0800 882 3583 (Press 2 when prompted)
Post: TTCF, Private Bag 93108, Henderson, Auckland 0650
Email: grants@ttcfltd.org.nz
Venue Administration
Tel: 0800 882 3583 (Press 1 when prompted)
Post: 5 Langstone Lane, Northcote, Christchurch 8052
Email: admin@ttcfltd.org.nz
Secretarial & Accounting Services
The Trusts Community Foundation Ltd
PO Box 43
GORE 9740
Daytime Tel: 03 208 9540
General Manager
Warwick Hodder
Tel: 0800 882 3583 (Press 1, then option 2 when prompted)
Got a question. Have you seen our FAQs? For all other enquiries please send us a message below, using the form.