Applications can only be made online.
Please note that closing dates are strictly adhered to. Here is a link to the funding round schedule. You are strongly advised to ensure that your application does not become retrospective by the time the Net Proceeds Committee meeting is scheduled.
TTCF’s Class 4 Gambling Machine Operator’s license clearly specifies the terms and conditions associated with funding applications. Please familiarise yourself with these guidelines before submitting an application, noting that these may have been updated recently.
Ensure that all and any previous applications funded by TTCF have been fully accounted for before making further application.
Incorporated Societies must provide:
Charitable Trusts or Registered Charities must provide:
Sport & Recreation Groups that do not have a Certificate of Incorporation must provide:
Schools must provide:
Other organisations must provide:
Bank Account Details for the applicant organisation must be in the form of:
Financial Statements;
Please keep a full copy of the application and supporting documentation (all applications are retained by TTCF).
The above are only some of the conditions and regulations that apply to the issuing of grants from gaming machine proceeds.
The Foundation is entirely responsible for the commitment of funds and is not required to approve any grant whether it is compliant with the requirements or not.
All grants are subject to audit by either the Foundation or the Department of Internal Affairs.
Thinking about applying?
Review our application criteria and start the process today.