Grant Application

Please view our gaming venues page to ensure TTCF has a venue in your area. TTCF does not generally fund organisations operating in areas not serviced by our venues.

Online grant applications must be received by midnight on the closing date for each funding round. Click here to view funding rounds.

Funding not guaranteed: While your application may fall within the criteria listed below, this does not guarantee that your application will be supported in part or at all.

  • Grant Decision: The final decision on all funding lies with the Foundation’s Net Proceeds Committee.
  • Where an applicant is GST registered, the funds granted will exclude GST.
  • Local Distribution: The Net Proceeds Committee has a ‘local distribution policy’ whereby they approve 95% grants to non-profit organisations operating in the local community where TTCF has a gaming venue.
  • Retrospective applications ineligible: Funding sought for goods or services that have already been purchased or undertaken by the date of the Net Proceeds Committee is not eligible for consideration.
  • New Organisations: The Net Proceeds Committee does not generally approve grants to new organisations until they have been operating for more than twelve months and can demonstrate they have the ability to set up, maintain and provide their service delivery without total reliance on only one source of funding. Also, to demonstrate they are able to control and spend public monies in an appropriate manner, including the maintenance of appropriate records and provision of an audit trail.
  • Frequency of Applications: Due to the increased number of applications received each month, together with on-going pressure on funds available for distribution, the Net Proceeds Committee’s usual practice is to approve one grant per organisation per financial year.
  • Computers/Digital Literacy: Applications for high turnover technology for schools is not a priority.
  • Vehicles: Applications for the purchase of vehicles are a low priority for the Net Proceeds Committee.
  • Salaries: The priority for salary funding is for existing positions.
  • Capital Projects: Applications for ‘bricks and mortar’ costs will be considered, only once all preliminary work has been completed -i.e. architect’s plans/drawings, engineering reports, resource and building consents obtained, and a tender process undertaken.

Thinking about applying?

Review our application criteria and start the process today. 

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