In accordance with Section 109 of the Gambling Act 2003, the Net Proceeds Committee of The Trusts Community Foundation (TTCF) Limited has conducted an annual review of the criteria, methods, systems and policies it uses for consideration of applications for the distribution of net proceeds.
The results of this review, approved on the 1st July 2020, are that the objective of TTCF to maximise the proceeds that are applied to Authorised Purposes remains unchanged. Likewise, TTCF’s policies are considered to be working effectively to meet this objective.
If you are a successful applicant, you must only spend the funds on the purpose for which they were applied for. Furthermore, the approved grant is based on the quotes/suppliers and/or contracts for employees submitted with the application. These suppliers/quotes/contracts must be used when expending the TTCF grant. If for any reason a change is required, prior approval needs to be sought in the form of a letter or email request sent to the TTCF Grants Office, accompanied by a quote(s) from the requested new supplier(s) or copy of signed contract for new employee(s).
Applicants are required to provide proper accountability to the Foundation once the funds have been spent. Such documents shall include, but not be limited to, receipts, tax invoices and copies of bank statements. Applicants may also be required to undergo an audit to ensure they have fully complied with the terms and conditions under which the funds were provided.
Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a demand for a return of the funds and/or all future funding applications being declined. The Foundation is required to use best endeavours to pursue the recovery of funds that have not been spent in accordance with the purpose for which they are given.
Any complaints should be directed in writing to: General Manager, The Trusts Community Foundation Ltd, 5 Langstone Lane, Northcote, Christchurch 8052. All complaints will be acknowledged